Peer-reviewed articles
- ‘The Product Governance Approach to Regulating Personalised Credit Pricing’ (under consideration)
- ‘Buy Now Pay Later Defaults and the CJEU’s Suboptimal Solution to the Perennial Problem of Conditional Credit Costs (Arvato Finance, Case C-409/23) (in progress)’
- ‘What the FRANDT?! Understanding the Regulation of Pricing Power in the Single Market for ESG Ratings’, World Competition Law and Economics Review , March 2025
- ‘Assessing Acquisitions of Qualifying Holdings in Credit Institutions: Why Scoping Matters, and Silvio Berlusconi Kept His Shares (Fininvest/Berlusconi v ECB, C-512/22 P and C-513/22 P)’, DAOR (Le droit des affaires / Het ondernemingsrecht), February 2025
- ‘When Exchanging Information Is a Restriction of Competition by Object In Violation of Article 101(1) TFEU: Case C-298/22 Banco BPN/BIC Português SA‘, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, November 2024
- ‘The Unfairness of Personalised Price Terms in Consumer Credit Products’, European Review of Contract Law , 1/2024.
- ‘Keeping Up With The Rules When Endorsing Crypto-Assets: Kimberly Kardashian’, Bulletin Droit et Banque 72, June 2023 (text).
- ‘The Role of Market Operators in Scaling Up Voluntary Carbon Markets’, Capital Markets Law Journal, 2/2023, April 2023.
- ‘The Calculus of Data Disclosure and Price Acceptance’, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 6/2021, December 2021, 228-237 (text) (diagram)
- ‘Personalized Pricing Using Payment Data: Legality and Limits under European Union and Luxembourg Law’, Reprinted from European Business Law Review, 31/5, October 2020, 947-976, with permission of Kluwer Law International (text)
- ‘Retail mortgage default management: some remarks on the transposition of the Mortgage Credit Directive in Luxembourg law’, Revue Luxembourgeoise de Bancassurfinance, 2017/1, 12-20 (text)
- ‘Robo-advisers: Regulation and Design Features for Risk Mitigation’, New York Business Law Journal, 21/1, 62-66 (printed with permission from: NY Business Law Journal, Summer 2017, Vol. 21, No. 1, published by the New York State Bar Association, One Elk Street, Albany, New York 12207) (text)
Short publications
- ‘The Unfairness of Personalised Credit Pricing’, Oxford Business Law Blog, University of Oxford, 14 April 2023 (link)
- ‘Fair and Appropriate Pricing by Crowdfunding Platforms’, Lexnow, Legitech, November 2022 (text)
- ‘Value for Money’: Meaning, Function, Role in Unit-Linked Product Regulation and Beyond’, Lexnow, Legitech, November 2022 (text)
- ‘Draft Law N° 7904: Transposition of Directive 2019/2161 as regards the Better Enforcement and Modernisation of Union Consumer Protection Rules’, Lexnow, Legitech, January 2022 (text)
- ‘The No-Reading Problem of Consumer Law’, Lexnow, Legitech, January 2022 (text)
- ‘The Law on Consumer Credit Disclosures’, Lexnow, Legitech, September 2020 (text)
- ‘Disclosure of Personalized Pricing: A Discussion of the New Deal For Consumers’, Lexnow, Legitech, October 2019 (text)
- ‘Smart pledges: creation, perfection and performance of information duties’, Lexnow, Legitech, May 2018 (text)
- ‘Robo-investors: Investor Protection, to Code or Not to Code’, Legimag, Legitech, 2017, 48-50 (text)
Industry publications
- ‘A guide through the common features of digital asset generating events’ (with Luxembourg House of Financial Technology, Allen & Overy, Clifford Chance, Elvinger Hoss, Fieldfisher, Letzblock, Loyens & Loeff), white paper, May 2019 (link).
- ‘Nouvelles opportunités pour augmenter ses marges’ (with Luc Courtois), Paperjam News, September 2018 (link)
- ‘Mifid II Implementation Report 2018: Luxembourg’ (with Evelyn Maher), International Financial Law Review, August 2018
- ‘A Fintech Paradigm – the changing face of financial services’ (with Evelyn Maher), Virtual Round Table Series, Member Collaboration 2018 , June 2018 (link)
- ‘Mifid II Report 2017: Luxembourg’ (with Evelyn Maher), International Financial Law Review, September 2017 (link)
- ‘Legal Software as a Service’, Law Technology Today, American Bar Association Legal Technology Center, (December 22, 2017) (link) (text)
- ‘Regels omtrent ontslag van bestuurders in aandeelhoudersovereenkomsten’, Kienhuis Hoving, Nieuwsbrief Ondernemingsrecht, April 2015 (link)
- ‘Evaluation of price regulation procedures and the Weighted Average Cost of Capital: analyzing the coherence and consistency of the jurisprudence of the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal’, July 30, 2016 (in Dutch) (text)
- ‘Valuation of shares in case of shareholder buy-outs: a comparative analysis of judicial evaluation of valuation clauses in the legal systems of the Netherlands, Germany and Delaware’, Researchgate, July 2013 (in Dutch) (text)
- ‘Rendement of restitutie? Clawbacks in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief’ (with Frederike Ahlers), Ars Aequi, March 2012 (in Dutch)
- ‘Europese overnames anno 2011 en het vennootschappelijk belang’ (with Cleo Scholte), Ars Aequi, September 2011 (in Dutch)
- ‘De leveraged buy-out constructie: caveat rector!’ (with Daniël Stein), Ars Aequi, January 2011 (in Dutch)